This is quite tricky! There are umpteen numbers of theories on leadership, best managerial practices and enhancing people’s skills. Every concept, theory or a practice is supposed to have inherent limitations or handicaps (including what I am talking!). However, when we collaborate with many concepts and practices using chunking procedure, we get some residue, which I believe is quite potent and impressive.
There are many things we would like to change within ourselves, helps to change others and the organization, we are committed to. There is one psychological trait, which will encompass all these behaviors or concepts and stands alone as a distinct entity. The following Persian story will illustrate that.
The mullah, a preacher, wanted to get some nuts for his wife, because she had promised to cook him Fesenjan, a dish prepared with nuts. In the joy of anticipating his favourite dish, the mullah reached deep into the nut jar and grabbed as many nuts as he could reach with one hand. When he tried to pull his arm out of the jar, it got stuck. As hard as he twisted and pulled, the jar would not release his arm. He cried, groaned, and cursed as a mullah really shouldn’t. But nothing helped. After many futile attempts, he called neighbours for help. One of the neighbours said, “I will help you if you do exactly as I say.”
Mullah promised to do everything. The neighbor asked the mullah to shove his arm further into the jar. This seemed strange to the mullah, for why should he put his arm further into the jar when he wanted to get it out of there? But he did as he was told.
The neighbor continued, “Now open your hand, and drop the nuts you are holding.” This request upset the mullah. Reluctantly, he followed his succorer’s instructions. The man now said, “Make your hand very small, and pull it slowly out of the jar.” The mullah could do that, but was not satisfied. At that the neighbor took the jar, tipped it over, and let as many nuts roll out as the mullah needed (Courtesy: Nossrat Peseschkian).
Well, the case may fit for testing logical reasoning or creativity, but I see it in a different context. It can be your ability to delay your needs to be met, for getting the same needs met or changing the process to get the desired outcome. Many of us become apprehensive and get stuck with our issues but do not solve them.
The trait I am talking about is called Flexibility! A psychological component, which can help us to reach any of our goals or heights. This is the core component in our ‘Self’, which helps us to adapt, change and still be free within ourselves and feel good.
Get it checked and enhance it. Even if you do not want to change anything within yourself, still it is O.K. to be flexible and at least change the belief, “I do not want to…”
May all of you progress towards becoming more effective as managers.