You might have been come across this word many times and also getting stressed out of it! Stress is one of the most known causal factors for many physical and psychological problems as well as academic failures and violence in the neighborhood. There are some simple tips, which could help in your day-day stresses.
Eat and sleep well!
Does it look absurd? Certainly not! Eat good meals three times a day and avoid junk foods. There is no harm in having junk foods once in a while. But it does not add much to your immunity and health. Make sure your meals have adequate quantity of vegetables and fruits (not just apple! Eat any seasonal fruits). Sleep is another important factor in keeping you physically and psychologically strong!
Make team play is part of your everyday time table!
Play every day! Especially team games will improve your friendship with others. Think beyond cricket and football. Avoid playing for long hours. Take rest/relax yourself after playing (remember important thing resting or relaxing is not through watching TV or SMSing! A short rest for 15-20 minutes will rejuvenate you in studies. Avoid internet games and mobile games.
Compare with whom and what?
Many experts say do not compare with others and you are unique… etc. it is utter foolishness. The world is filled with making comparison. Market prices of commodities are compared, movies are judged and compared. If these things can be compared then why not your performances? But the difference is with whom you are comparing. Compare your performance with your set goals and previous performances.
Set your goals in a realistic manner. See how many students are behind you. Feel good about your performances, even though it is not up to the mark. Take your ‘not doing well’ feeling as a feedback on
your performance. Because there is nothing called failure, everything is a feedback or an opportunity to do it differently. When you start believing the previous sentence, you will feel more comfortable with you and feel confident. Once you are confident, you are able to do it well next time.
Share your everyday experiences with somebody!
Make a habit of sharing your experiences with your mom, granny or other family members. At times they are also not available, in that case share it with your close childhood friends (but do not share with friends of social networking sites). Sharing your experience with the trusted people can make you less vulnerable in dealing with.
See your strengths!
Write down your strengths and good qualities and paste it wherever you can see or access it. Write in upper case letters and add some visuals. If you can record it and listen when you are stressed.
If others can, why not you?
You are stress is not the ‘only’ stress. Everybody get it at different times, different intensities. When you think that you are the only person getting stressed out, it looks like a very big thing and make you feel cannot overcome it. Many people have got the stress similar to me and they have got out of it. I also can
overcome it.
Meet a counselor!
Some time you may not be able to deal with your stress by yourself. It is O.K. to meet a counselor. If you cannot overcome it that does not mean, it cannot be dealt by somebody else! Take professional counselors help. They are the experts in dealing with this.
Take care and de-stress yourself!